Category Archives: The Way To Happiness

Discover the New Scientology Public Service Hub – You Won’t Believe What’s Inside!

The Church of Scientology is proud to announce the launch of Let’s Better the World (, a new website dedicated to spreading awareness about crucial social issues through a collection of award-winning Public Service Announcements. The innovative platform hosts a … Continue reading

Posted in CCHR, Church of Scientology, Drug Free World, Human Rights, Scientology, Scientology Network, The Way To Happiness, Volunteer Ministers, Youth for Human Rights | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Discover the New Scientology Public Service Hub – You Won’t Believe What’s Inside!

Community Partners Join Forces With the 3rd Kansas City Peace Ride to End the Violence

  On Saturday, March 27th, Kansas City groups came together to work for change and end the violence as homicides now outpace 2020 numbers. The Kansas City United in Peace Ride and Rally was organized by the Church of Scientology … Continue reading

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Peace Ride Kansas City – Celebrating International Day of Peace

Celebrating International Day of Peace – 27,000 copies of a special custom cover The Way to Happiness (with a local city councilman’s picture on it) – all sponsored by the IAS – will be given out to each home in … Continue reading

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Can Common-Sense Values Save Lives in L.A.?

I love it when organizations come together with the Church of Scientology to improve the lives of others. Together we are giving these people hope that they can not only change their lives but lead very productive lives! Read the … Continue reading

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